Monday, February 8, 2010


The past month was filled with so many things to do. This upcoming month doesn't look any less busy! A large chunk of my time goes to musical practice that has now been under way for 4 weeks.

It is a lot of fun and I'm sure it will turn out to be a superb show! I am one of the Shark's girls who is named Francisca. I don't have any lines but I do sing in a trio for one of the songs. There is also a lot of awesome dancing which I am very excited about! I just a little while I will be heading to the school for tonight's rehearsal.

On Wednesday, I will be going to participate in a district band festival. It lasts from Wednesday to Saturday. I'm sure it will be fun but I know I am going to be worn out by the end.

I hope everyone has a nice week and will be able to take some time to relax!


Barb said...

There you are busy girl, sharing your talents ♥ and making us very proud "our little Shark dancer and singer"!! I am excited for you with all of your activities, and you are right, you will be worn out by Saturday, but ready to go again by Sunday ;>)!! Take care and we are looking forward to the concert on Saturday! Luv ya lots, Grandma

Mary @ Neat and Tidy said...

So glad you are making the most of your high school time. Enjoy every minute!

Laurie said...

WOW continue to be incredibly busy! I'm sure WSS will be amazing! Miss you!