Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Finished and Moving On

Hello everyone! So sorry that I have not updated my blog for what seems like a century! I was very busy with the end of the school year activities, so I did not have much time to be on the computer.
My 5th commissioned baby quilt has been completed and given to the lady that asked me to make it. Here is what the finished product looked like.

I have to say that out of all of the baby quilts I've made so far, this is one of my favorites.

I now have started on my 6th commissioned baby quilt. It needs to be completed by August. The baby is going to be a boy so I chose the colors green, blue, and cream. I'm going to use the same pattern that I used for my 2nd commissioned quilt (square inside of a square). I thought it would be cute if I quilted one letter of the alphabet in the center of each square.

Today my grandma took my shopping for the fabric. Here is what they look like.

I washed them when we got back from shopping. I decided to hand wash them in my bathroom sink because when I wash smaller pieces of fabric in the washing machine, the edges tend to fray a lot. Hand washing is much gentler and it does just as good of a job.

It was such a nice day that I decided to hang the fabrics outside on the line to dry.

I'm hoping this quilt will turn out as good as the rest of them did.

Have a great day!!!


Barb said...

Hi Mickey, wonderful to see your new blog entry...your fabrics are so pretty! You are an excellent fabric shopper, I always enjoy, appreciate and take pride watching your careful selection of fabrics! Most of all I value your suggestions to me..always great! Beautiful job on the previous quilt, this one will be awesome too. Luv you lots, Grandma

Rose said...

Mickey, I wish you had a clickable picture of this quilt...I really, really like it. But would love to get a better look at it. I bet the recipient was happy when she seen it!