Monday, August 24, 2009

Birthday Gifts

Two of my friends' birthdays are in September and I normally always make my friends something special for them as a gift. This year I have been making pillow cases. They are really easy and fun to make and you can use really fun fabric that matches the personalities of the people you make them for.

This first pair I made for a friend who's a really fun and exciting girl. Her family is from South America. I thought these colors portrayed that well.

This second pair I made for my other friend who is a very sweet person and who likes the color purple.

It took me about two and a half hours to do each pair. Like I said before, they are really easy and fun to make.


Barb said...

Oh so sweet!! These pillowcases are just the perfect gift for the friends that you made them for...perfect choice in fabrics! You are one VERY creative gal!! Love you lots, ♥Grandma♥

Anya said...

Love those fabrics! Your friends are very lucky.

Mary @ Neat and Tidy said...

I have a couple pillowcases that were made for me by two friends. I must have gotten them 7 or 8 years ago, and I still love them even though they are showing some wear. I hope your friends will feel the same way.

Rose said...

Mickey, these are so nice...I love the fabric choices.

Jackie's Stitches said...

Making pillowcases is one thing I want to learn to do. Your are really cute!