Tuesday, July 13, 2010


I have finished the pointsettia wall hanging!!!

I decided to bind it in the same orange as the background so it would not distract from the flowers. I really like the way that it turned out.

A couple of months ago, I had posted about a bag that I had made just for fun. I have now made two more for my friends' birthdays.

I really enjoy making them and they are very easy to do. I was thinking about making my own website where I could start to sell some of the things I have been making, such as these bags. I am also in the process of making some cute little wallets. Do you think they would sell? If you would give me your honest opinion, I would greatly appreciate it ☺.


Barb said...

WowWee look at this pretty new blog look...I love it, very perky! Your wallhanging is so sweet, and you are right the poinseittias just pop on their own! Of course you know I love your bags, and I am loving mine! I vote for selling them, go for it! Love you lots, Grandma

Unknown said...

I don't know if it would sell or not. Selling homemade crafts always seems to be easier than it really is. Please don't forget the cost of your labor.

You might try going to etsy.com and seeing if there's anything there even similar to it, and if there is, what their prices are.

Good luck.


Mary @ Neat and Tidy said...

I agree with Melinda about comparing items on etsy. But keep us posted if you decide to go with this!

Laurie said...

Great bags!!! Love the one you made your grandma too! I say GO FOR IT!!! Sell your gorgeous items! You don't have a thing to lose by trying!

Laurie said...

I forgot to tell you that I like your new blog look!!!